Нюша - Больно

Категория: Ruseşti | Добавил: unet2014 | Просмотров: 884 | Загрузок: 257 | Теги:
Нюша - Больно --- -- --- MP3

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1 Lauro  
****spoilers ahead.****It was a poorly euexcted movie, but I did enjoy some of the less touched upon themes of drug use - he goes through all the typical stages. First he discovers NZT, and it's great. Then he keeps taking higher and higher doses, trying to find out how "good" it can get. But suddenly he is confronted with the consequences - skipping memories from such high doses, the problem of dependence and the threat of withdrawal.He realizes he needs to wean himself off of it and learns how to use it responsibly. And in doing so, NZT helps improve the drug-free version of himself.All in all I thought they drew interesting parallels to all sorts of drugs, opiates and psychedelics in particular, and raised some interesting questions about whether drug use can indeed be safe or beneficial (the movie seems to imply yes if used responsibly). It questions whether a person on drugs is the same person when sober.Unfortunately all of those thoughtful possibilities were very bluntly brought up and not explored thoroughly at all.Basically, this movie is a fantasy (read: pipe dream) movie for anyone who has been in a shitty place and thought about turning to drugs to fix it. Man's life sucks. Man finds drug. Drug makes life incredibly awesome, man discovers consequences, learns moderation, and triumphs. Simple, poorly euexcted story but the movie never explores the deeper issues.

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